January 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jan 1 22:48:46 CET 2011
Ending: Mon Jan 31 17:29:30 CET 2011
Messages: 150
- [XeTeX] Generating a PDF which is cropped to the bounding box?
Adam Twardoch (List)
- [XeTeX] problem rendering unicode Devanagari dependent vowel signs and ligatures
Leo Brouwer
- [XeTeX] Help with UTF8 in XeTeX
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] Help with UTF8 in XeTeX
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] Unicode-named macros in XeTeX
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] Unicode-named macros in XeTeX
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] alternate text for line-breaking
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] alternate text for line-breaking
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] Unexplained behavior
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] Unexplained behavior
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] Unexplained behavior
Bogdan Butnaru
- [XeTeX] Kerning flaw with MinionPro & XeTex
Alessandro Ceschini
- [XeTeX] Kerning flaw with MinionPro & XeTex
Alessandro Ceschini
- [XeTeX] Kerning flaw with MinionPro & XeTex
Alessandro Ceschini
- [XeTeX] csquotes, polyglossia and biblatex
Yves Codet
- [XeTeX] csquotes, polyglossia and biblatex
Yves Codet
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
David Cottenden
- [XeTeX] How can I use IEEEtran class with XeLaTeX?
Maxim Cournoyer
- [XeTeX] How can I use IEEEtran class with XeLaTeX?
Maxim Cournoyer
- [XeTeX] Page Number Font Issue
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] supplying missing glyphs?
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] Kerning flaw with MinionPro & XeTex
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] Custom page size
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] csquotes, polyglossia and biblatex
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] alternate text for line-breaking
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] supplying missing glyphs?
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] Microtype and XeTeX on Linux
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] How can I use IEEEtran class with XeLaTeX?
Peter Dyballa
- [XeTeX] pdf_link_obj(): passed invalid object.
Jérôme Etévé
- [XeTeX] Custom page size
Jérôme Etévé
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Jérôme Etévé
- [XeTeX] Fwd: Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Jérôme Etévé
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Jérôme Etévé
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Jérôme Etévé
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Jérôme Etévé
- [XeTeX] Page Number Font Issue
Ulrike Fischer
- [XeTeX] Help with UTF8 in XeTeX
Ulrike Fischer
- [XeTeX] Unicode-named macros in XeTeX
Ulrike Fischer
- [XeTeX] Generating a PDF which is cropped to the bounding box?
Ulrike Fischer
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Fr. Michael Gilmary
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Fr. Michael Gilmary
- [XeTeX] alternate text for line-breaking
Fr. Michael Gilmary
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Fr. Michael Gilmary
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Fr. Michael Gilmary
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Fr. Michael Gilmary
- [XeTeX] Error with \newfontfamily
Fr. Michael Gilmary
- [XeTeX] csquotes, polyglossia and biblatex
Gerrit Glabbart
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Khaled Hosny
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Khaled Hosny
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
Khaled Hosny
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
Khaled Hosny
- [XeTeX] supplying missing glyphs?
Dave Howell
- [XeTeX] alternate text for line-breaking
Dave Howell
- [XeTeX] supplying missing glyphs?
Dave Howell
- [XeTeX] Polyglossia/Split Hebrew footnote between pages
Gareth Hughes
- [XeTeX] Unexplained behavior
Paul Isambert
- [XeTeX] Unexplained behavior
Paul Isambert
- [XeTeX] Tricky Format: Page Number Outside The Footnote Area
Rin Itoshiki
- [XeTeX] supplying missing glyphs?
Jjgod Jiang
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Jjgod Jiang
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Jjgod Jiang
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Jjgod Jiang
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Jjgod Jiang
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Jonathan Kew
- [XeTeX] Generating a PDF which is cropped to the bounding box?
Jonathan Kew
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Alexey Kryukov
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Alexey Kryukov
- [XeTeX] alternate text for line-breaking
Roland Kuhn
- [XeTeX] hyphen - dieresis
Hans van Maanen
- [XeTeX] ë e
Hans van Maanen
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Andreas Matthias
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Mike Maxwell
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
McCollum, Adam
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
McCollum, Adam
- [XeTeX] How can I use IEEEtran class with XeLaTeX?
Ross Moore
- [XeTeX] Custom page size
Stephen Moye
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Alan Munn
- [XeTeX] Error with \newfontfamily
Alan Munn
- [XeTeX] Error with \newfontfamily
Alan Munn
- [XeTeX] Error with \newfontfamily
Alan Munn
- [XeTeX] How can I use IEEEtran class with XeLaTeX?
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Oleg Parashchenko
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Oleg Parashchenko
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Oleg Parashchenko
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Oleg Parashchenko
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Oleg Parashchenko
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
François Patte
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
François Patte
- [XeTeX] OpenType <ccmp> feature not working in XeLaTeX
David Perry
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
David J. Perry
- [XeTeX] Help with UTF8 in XeTeX
Marco Pessotto
- [XeTeX] Polyglossia/Split Hebrew footnote between pages
Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)
- [XeTeX] Unicode-named macros in XeTeX
Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)
- [XeTeX] alternate text for line-breaking
Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)
- [XeTeX] Unexplained behavior
Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)
- [XeTeX] Unexplained behavior
Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)
- [XeTeX] ë e
Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)
- [XeTeX] How can I use IEEEtran class with XeLaTeX?
Shrisha Rao
- [XeTeX] Unicode-named macros in XeTeX
Arthur Reutenauer
- [XeTeX] Unicode-named macros in XeTeX
Arthur Reutenauer
- [XeTeX] Unicode-named macros in XeTeX
Arthur Reutenauer
- [XeTeX] alternate text for line-breaking
Arthur Reutenauer
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
Will Robertson
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Will Robertson
- [XeTeX] Testing unicode-math
Will Robertson
- [XeTeX] Custom page size
Wilfred van Rooijen
- [XeTeX] Tricky Format: Page Number Outside The Footnote Area
Wilfred van Rooijen
- [XeTeX] Help with UTF8 in XeTeX
Tobias Schoel
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
Tobias Schoel
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Martin Schröder
- [XeTeX] Protecting pdfpages \includepdf against broken PDF
Martin Schröder
- [XeTeX] Page Number Font Issue
Herbert Schulz
- [XeTeX] Error with \newfontfamily
Herbert Schulz
- [XeTeX] problem with small caps
Herbert Schulz
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Herbert Schulz
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Herbert Schulz
- [XeTeX] xdv2pdf vs xdvipdfmx
Herbert Schulz
- [XeTeX] Custom page size
Sven Siegmund
- [XeTeX] Custom page size
Sven Siegmund
- [XeTeX] Help with UTF8 in XeTeX
Apostolos Syropoulos
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
Ulrik Vieth
- [XeTeX] Page Number Font Issue
William Voelker
- [XeTeX] Page Number Font Issue
William Voelker
- [XeTeX] Page Number Font Issue
William Voelker
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
Paul Vojta
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
Paul Vojta
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
Paul Vojta
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
Paul Vojta
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
Paul Vojta
- [XeTeX] Unicode-named macros in XeTeX
John Was
- [XeTeX] Microtype and XeTeX on Linux
Chris Wilson
- [XeTeX] Puzzling hyphenation with polyglossia and xelatex
Dominik Wujastyk
- [XeTeX] Puzzling hyphenation with polyglossia and xelatex
Dominik Wujastyk
- [XeTeX] Custom page size
Carsten Ziegert
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [XeTeX] strande behavior of Linux Libertine fonts with optio Fractions=On
mskala at ansuz.sooke.bc.ca
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
ulrik.vieth at arcor.de
- [XeTeX] Getting vinculum in fractions with Asana Math and unicode-math when compiled with xelatex
ulrik.vieth at arcor.de
- [XeTeX] @revisionflag and XeTeX
- [XeTeX] supplying missing glyphs?
pomax at nihongoresources.com
- [XeTeX] Polyglossia/Split Hebrew footnote between pages
- [XeTeX] Polyglossia/Split Hebrew footnote between pages
- [XeTeX] Puzzling hyphenation with polyglossia and xelatex
enrico.gregorio at univr.it
Last message date:
Mon Jan 31 17:29:30 CET 2011
Archived on: Mon Jan 31 17:29:59 CET 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).