Design and Preparation of Effective Scientific Posters using LaTeX
Paulo Rogério de Souza e Silva Filho
Rian Gabriel Santos Pinheiro
Abstract: Posters are important presentation tools in scientific conferences. LaTeX offers several packages, e.g. a0poster and sciposter, for designing several kinds of high quality posters. However, many of the posters we are used to seeing are visually split into columns and conceptually organized in sections, with amounts of text which are likely to disrupt the viewing experience and understanding of the content. In this article we present an efficient method for preparing visual scientific posters using the PGF package and its syntax layer TikZ.
Paulo Rogério is an undergraduate in Computer Science at Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil. His work is in the area of wireless sensor networks at the Laboratório de Computação Científica e Análise Numérica (LaCCAN). He has been a LaTeX user since 2008 and may be contacted at progerio07 at gmail dot com or
Rian Gabriel is an undergraduate in Computer Science at Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil. His work is in the area of wireless sensor networks at the Laboratório de Computação Científica e Análise Numérica (LaCCAN). He may be contacted at rian dot gabriel at gmail dot com or