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Using style files

Style files have been developed to give articles a uniform appearance.  If you write an article please use one of the following styles.


To use the LaTeX PracTeX Journal style, do the following

1. Download this style file and place it in the directory where you will create your article.

2. Use the following sample template in your article file (cut and paste this text):

\title{My Prac\TeX\ Article}
\author{Your Name}
\TPJrevision{year}{mm}{dd} % The editors ask you to update this for each revision submitted
\TPJcopyright{ } % May be used if you want a copyright notice at the bottom right of the first page

% Article text

3. Typeset your document. When you are ready to submit it, attach the source file and optionally a pdf file in an email.

See also other instructions, other pracjourn style files and samples. If you have any questions please contact the editors.

The editors look forward to working with you on your article.


The PracTeX Journal style is included with the ConTeXt distribution. following example does not work for you, please update your distribution. To use the ConTeXt PracTeX Journal style, use the following template

     title=My \PRACTEX\ article,
     author=Your Name,
     address={Your Address\\ Can be multiline},
     revision={d=1,m=11,y=2006}, % The editors ask you to update
                                 % this for each revision submitted
     copyright= , % May be used if you want a
                % copyright notice at the bottom right of the first page

\useURL [email]   [mailto:your-email-address] []  [your-email-address]
\useURL [website] [your website]

% address, revision, copyright, email and website are optional and
can be omitted.

Your Abstract

\starttext \setups{title}

% Article Text


The detailed documentation for the module is written as comments inside the style file. You can view the documentation by
texmfstart texexec --autopdf --module kpse:s-ptj-01.tex
(This will generate s-ptj-01.pdf file in your current directory)

The editors look forward to working with you on your article.

Plain (AMSTeX)

Contact the editors for the Plain style file.

The editors look forward to working with you on your article.

Date: May 28, 2012 ; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.