[UK-TUG] Confidentiality and openness, committee and general meetings

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 19:32:15 CEST 2021

Dear UK-TUG members

The relation between confidentiality and openness is an important issue as
we approach the SGM. Between general meetings the committee runs UK-TUG.
Effectively committee functioning requires a certain amount of
confidentiality. However, general meetings require openness, so that the
members are well informed.

We saw an example of this in 2019. The current chair in his election
address criticised the conduct in the committee of an unnamed member of the
committee. Even though this member's conduct may be confidential, in the
context it may be justified by openness. Similarly, last week I shared with
members information about TUG and DANTE accepting a donation from UK-TUG,
which had been reported to the committee list. Even if confidential,
openness may provide a justification.

There are some general principles that govern the balance between
confidentiality and openness. The sense of fairness (equity) is one of the
most important. In the context of UK-TUG there are few if any absolutes.
Underlying this are the basic values of good-will and common sense.

The purpose of the committee, and of committee confidentiality, is to serve
the membership. At and prior to a general meeting the same principle of
serving the members requires giving more weight to openness, and less to
confidentiality. The balance shifts to openness just as the centre of power
shifts to the general meeting.

with kind regards

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