TUG Lucida® order form

The TeX Users Group (TUG) offers a selection of Lucida® fonts designed by Bigelow & Holmes, with support for both mathematical and text typesetting (TUG Lucida home). TUG provides a set of Lucida fonts in OpenType format, and a somewhat smaller set in Type 1 font format.

The Lucida fonts are made available only electronically; we email you a unique url after verifying your order. No physical CD is sent (or available).

We'd like to mention: TUG's pricing is less than half the cost for (approximately) comparable font sets from other vendors, and some of TUG's offerings (bold OpenType math, DK variants, and more), are not available anywhere else; generous, exclusive and a bargain! We appreciate any orders and/or help in spreading the word. Thanks.

There is a discount on the fonts for members of several TeX user groups:

Web fonts (woff, etc.): the licenses do not permit using the Lucida fonts as web fonts, because there is no practical way for us to limit distribution. It's fine to put normal documents (for example, papers in pdf format) using subsetted Lucida fonts on the web. Feel free to email us if questions.

All prices are in US dollars.

Individual user licenses

An end-user license allows use of the fonts by a single named individual on up to five workstations and two printers (see license text). For additional usage, please acquire additional licenses. The fonts are not redistributable, freely or otherwise.

The complete OpenType and Type 1 collections are licensed together for one price, or the Type 1 set is available on its own.

Please check here to accept the terms of the TUG Lucida end-user license:

Then, please enter the number of licenses you wish for each type (for example, just "1").

If you are a current TUG (including joint)   or   ConTeXt   or   CSTUG   or   DANTE   or   NTG   member:

Lucida OpenType + Type 1 - individual member @ $110
(*) Lucida OpenType DK only - individual member  @ $20
(*) Lucida OpenType (includes DK) - previous Type 1 customer 
  (either TUG or Y&Y) and individual member
@ $20
Lucida Type 1 only - individual member @ $90
Otherwise, the non-member pricing is:
Lucida OpenType + Type 1 - individual non-member   @ $190
Lucida Type 1 - individual non-member   @ $140

(You'll have a chance to review.)

(*) The DK fonts are available on their own only to TUG members; the Lucida OpenType set is available at the $20 price only to TUG members who have previously purchased a full Type 1 license, either from TUG or Y&Y.

The standard Lucida Grande Mono and/or Lucida Console fonts, among many others, are available via the B&H web site and from other vendors.

Site licenses

Site licenses allow use of the Lucida fonts within an organization, by up to a certain number of the organization's members. The fonts are not otherwise redistributable. Site licenses include both the OpenType and Type 1 collections.

If you would like to discuss an OEM (resale) agreement, please email lucida-admin@tug.org.

In addition to the form here, site licenses also require a written agreement signed by both parties. We will contact you after you have submitted the order form.

Institutional members of TUG

If your organization is a TUG institutional member, pricing is as follows. There is no requirement that the organization's Lucida users be the same as its TUG members.

#users 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  more
(includes both $150  230  310  390  480  560  640  720  800  890 
OpenType & Type1)

Please check here to accept the terms of the TUG Lucida site license:
Number of users for Lucida site license, TUG institutional member:

(You'll have a chance to review.)

Organizations which are not TUG institutional members

If your organization is not a TUG institutional member (please consider joining), pricing is as follows.

#users 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  more
(includes both $240  370  500  630  770  900  1030  1160  1280  1430 
OpenType & Type1)

Please check here to accept the terms of the TUG Lucida site license:
Number of users for Lucida site license, non-member organization:

(You'll have a chance to review.)

$Date: 2023/09/22 16:21:07 $;
® Lucida is a trademark of Bigelow & Holmes Inc. registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and other jurisdictions.
TUG Lucida home page; B&H Lucida home page; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.