[UK-TUG] Discussion of motion DS1

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 16:43:41 CEST 2021


David and I have different opinions on what might happen if we donated our
funds to TUG. The difference is 100% versus 8.5%. This is I think because
we're relying on different facts.

On David's side there is the TUG website. On my side there's the report
from Arthur Reutenauer (UK-TUG committee member and TUG Vice-President).
Briefly, the website says that TUG has ring-fenced funds, and Arthur says
that TUG will accept a donation from UK-TUG provided there were "no strings

No-one has contested that the former gives 100p in the £1 and the latter
about 8.5p in the pound going to support TeX development. That's a big
difference, as we have about £8,500.

I'll write to Boris Veytsman (TUG President) and the Board to request
clarification. I'll send a draft to David first and accept his

with kind regards



If you want to read more the relevant URLs are
JF: https://tug.org/pipermail/uktug-announce/2021q4/000496.html
DS: https://tug.org/tc/devfund/ and https://tug.org/tc/devfund/donate.html

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