[UK-TUG] Draft motions for dissolution special general meeting (SGM)

Dr Nicola L C Talbot n.talbot at uea.ac.uk
Mon Oct 4 12:31:02 CEST 2021

Hi Jonathan

> 1. That UK-TUG's surplus assets be distributed in proportion to the individually expressed wishes of members (subject to these wishes promoting the objects of UK-TUG).

Could you clarify how you envisage this would be implemented? Are you 
expecting members to simply email their preferences to this mailing 
list? For example:

Member 1: W, Y and Z.
Member 2: W and Z.
Member 3: Y and Z.
Member 4: X.

and then allocate proportions of the funds as follows:

W: 2/8
X: 1/8
Y: 2/8
Z: 3/8

The problem here is what happens if everyone else decides that X (which 
only one member has expressed a wish for) doesn't fit the condition in 
the parenthetical part of your motion.

When Motion 7 of the 2019 AGM was discussed (funds to go to TUG and 
DANTE), you were against sending funds outside of the UK and proposed UK 
organisations such as LMS and IoP, where TeX wasn't the primary 
objective of the organisation. This led to an interesting discussion on 
whether we are *UK*-TUG (emphasis on UK) or UK-*TUG* (emphasis on TeX).

Your proposal could only be properly implemented if there was a 
pre-agreed list of recipients that members could vote on. Unfortunately, 
I have a feeling that we won't able to agree on such a list.

Motion 7 of the 2019 AGM was passed (20 for, 8 against, 7 abstentions) 
but it was conditional on Motion 6 (the dissolution of UK-TUG) which 
didn't pass.

> 2. That there be an SGM to decide dissolution in the first quarter of 2022.
> 3. That UK TUG be dissolved.

I would consider this motion to be the spiritual successor of 2019's 
Motion 6 (since UK-TUG has failed to revive since the 2019 AGM), and 
therefore I believe that 2019's Motion 7 (funds to go to TUG and DANTE) 
should stand.

For reference, the draft minutes from the 2019 AGM were posted to this 
mailing list 17th Nov 2019: 

Nicola Talbot

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