[UK-TUG] Online zoom Office Hours: Thursday 6:30 to 7:30 to end of March

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 11:31:36 CET 2020

Dear Members

It's good that the Committee has let ordinary members communicate with each
other on this list. It might not continue after the AGM. I'll be placing
current info on my blog https://jfine2358.github.io/.

I'll take this opportunity to remind you about my zoom Office Hours. And in
future they'll have short presentations. They'll take place every Thursday
6:30 to 7:30pm from now until the end of March. Do show up, no need to book.

Zoom details


Meeting ID: 785 5125 5396
Passcode: knuth

James Carlson has already offered a short presentation of his MiniLaTeX
project.  Its aim is to give users a  no-setup, real-time rendering
platform for creating, editing, and distributing LaTeX documents.  The app
is written in Elm, a pure functional language for constructing web apps.
See https://minilatex.lamdera.app/g/372

Don Knuth will be 83 on 10 January. The TeX Office Hour will celebrate this
on Thursday 14 January. Come prepared with stories and questions.

To give a presentation, or suggest a topic, please contact me. And for
current information visit https://jfine2358.github.io/.

with best regards

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