[UK-TUG] Jonathan Fine's motion for UK TUG AGM

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 14:11:01 CET 2020


Below is a motion for the AGM, preceded by a supporting statement. It's
exactly as I submitted to our secretary Joseph Wright on Tuesday. Joseph
said he'd circulate it for the AGM. He's not done that yet.

As Jay's just told us we can use this list to discuss AGM business, I've
decided to post it myself. I'll also publish it, and other things that
might interest you, on my blog.

with best wishes


email: jfine2358 at gmail.com
blog: https://jfine2358.github.io/

-- BEGIN --


Dear UK TUG member

The world has changed since our last AGM. I hope that you, your friends and
family are all safe and well. I hope that whatever happens, you're able to
make the best of what there is.

I am, contrary to the committee's request, submitting a motion to the AGM
(see below). I do this to encourage the officers to address certain matters
in their reports, and also to bring these same matters to your attention.
The motion simply notes some statements.

The committee, and indeed all of us, are due latitude for the difficult
conditions that existed since say March this year. For events prior to
March (see (1) to (9) below) a higher standard holds.

The day after the 2019 AGM, I committed 25 to 50 hours over 12 weeks to
promote and support TeX in the UK. I made some good progress (see my blog).
I asked the committee to circulate information about this to all members.
For this see (4) to (6). The first clear positive response I received was
in June, see (17). By this time my 12 weeks was over, and I'd moved on to
other things.

I now repeat my commitment. In addition to 25 to 50 hours, I'll be
available via Zoom from 6:30 to 7:00pm every Thursday evening for the next
12 weeks (with a break for Christmas). Please email me for the Zoom link
and password.
email: jfine2358 at gmail.com
blog: https://jfine2358.github.io/

Since March this year, I've attended perhaps 30 online maths and physics
talks. I'm personally very interested in how people adapt to giving and
receiving talks in the online Zoom environment. There are many problems and
opportunities here.

I look forward to reading the officer's reports. Any parts of my motion
that then become redundant I'll most happily withdraw.

with best regards

Jonathan Fine


This meeting notes:

(1) In the 2019 election for Chair, Joseph Wright (JW) allowed Jay Hammond
(JH) to submit his supporting statement 3 days after the close of
(2) JW did not inform the other candidate Jonathan Fine (JF) of this
(3) At the 2019 AGM, David Carlisle's (DC) motion to dissolve UK TUG and
distribute its assets was defeated 20 to 9 (with 7 abstentions).

(4) The day after the 2019 AGM, JF asked that the committee send a message
to all members (see also (17)).
(5) This message stated the JF committed to spending 2 to 4 hours a week
for the next 12 weeks promoting and supporting the use of TeX in the UK.
(6) One outcome of this work, on New Year's day, was a prototype LaTeX
typing tutor (see also (16)).
URL:  https://jfine2358.github.io/post/2020/01/01/latex-type-tutor/

(7) Arthur Reutenauer (AT) is both a UK TUG committee member, and a TUG
Board member.
(8) In February 2020, AT moved a committee motion that there be a special
general meeting, to consider motions that would dissolve UK TUG and donate
half its funds to TUG.

(9) In February 2020, JW wrote a project funding request for between £4,000
and £6,000.
(10) The first commit to this project was in March 2020.
(11) In March 2020, the TUG Board agreed to donate up to $2,000 to this
(12) In June 2020, the committee passed JH's motion to donate up to £6,000
to JW's project.
(13) This £6,000 is about half of all our funds at that time.
(14) The total $2,000 + £6,000 is about £7,600, roughly twice the lower
estimate of £4,000.
(15) JW and DC are major developers of this project

(16) There's significant overlap between JW's project and JF's project.
(17) In June 2020, JH and JW wrote to JF that in general any TeX-related
posts by members sent to 'announce' would be sent on to all members (see
also (4)).
(18) JF did not send any such post to 'announce'.

(19) In June 2020, TUG announced that the TUG 2020 conference would happen,
as a free online event.
(20)The committee did not tell members about the free TUG 2020 event.
(21) Nothing has been added to our website http://uk.tug.org/ since the
2019 AGM.

(22) JF is again this year committing 2 to 4 hours a week for the next 12
weeks, promoting and supporting TeX in the UK, and this time including
being available on Zoom.

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