[Tugindia] generic paper class

Duvvuri Venu Gopal venugopal_duvvuri at rediffmail.com
Sun Feb 1 12:25:04 CET 2004

On Sun, 01 Feb 2004 Badri T Natarajan wrote :
>I am looking for a generic paper class package. It has proved embarassing to use the
>article format of a journal such as kluwer or siam etc. before having the article accepted! On the other hand, using the article class by itself has not been sufficient. I have found one package called paper.cls. Are there others with "plain vanilla" features?
>My second question is: how do you handle a second author and institution while
>making the title? I have tried \and with limited success.
>Thank you,
>Toppur Natarajan Badri

Have you used or seen the amsart.cls? It can handle multiple authors. The syntax in it is


It also has \subclas or something {for AMS subject classification} and \keywords {for Keywords and phrases}.

AMS journals accept articles in this format only.

It is somewhat different than the LaTeX's article.cls.

D. Venu Gopal

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