[tlu] Bug on TLU? On TeX Live server? Or no bug at all? (package codedescribe)

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Dec 20 22:20:25 CET 2023

    (package codedescribe, status: Forcibly removed)

Try running
  tlmgr install codedescribe
(Or the equivalent in TLU.)

I surmise that the mirror you happened to update from when codedescribe
was last updated (November 22) did not have it yet, or a network problem
lost the update. Then, from tlmgr's point of view, it looks like the
package was removed.

    Strangely, on https://ctan.org/pkg/codedescribe I read:
    Contained in	TEXéLive as codedescribe

This info on the ctan.org/pkg/ pages simply means that codedescribe is
included in TL, i.e., there's a <texlive> entry in the Catalogue
description of the package. Meaning, it's essentially static information
on CTAN that has nothing to do with any particular installation, or
mirror status, or anything else.


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