[tlu] Possible bug with package removal

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Thu Mar 11 16:16:51 CET 2021

> On Mar 11, 2021, at 01:24 , Bruno Voisin via tlu <tlu at tug.org> wrote:
> When creating disk images, there's an Image Format menu in the Save As window. The default item "compressed" creates APFS images, but there's also an item "hybrid image (HFS+/ISO/UDF)" which appears to create HFS+ images.

I do all of it from a script, including the signing/notarization.

hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -srcfolder /path/to/TeX\ Live\ Utility.app, my_image_name.dmg

It fails to copy it to the image, because of some extended attribute related to code signing. I tried creating an image and then copying it manually with pax, but that fails the same way. One other person ran into that and posted on Apple's forum, with no response.

Unfortunately, now I have to

create a .zip file
upload it to Apple for notarization
delete that zip file
when I get the notarization ticket, staple it to the application
create a new .zip with the stapled application
upload to github

You can staple directly to a .dmg, so you save a couple of steps. It's not impossible, just tedious and poorly documented (like almost everything Apple does these days; I feel bad for anyone trying to learn Cocoa)

-- adam

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