[tlu] new beta
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at icloud.com
Sat Dec 19 11:23:18 CET 2020
> Le 19 déc. 2020 à 07:11, Adam R. Maxwell via tlu <tlu at tug.org> a écrit :
> New beta, as the subject says.
The new beta works beautifully as far as I can tell. Tests below are on Big Sur 11.1, on an ARM Mac using the French locale and an Intel Mac using the English locale.
> I disabled the custom drawing code for the URL field and search field unconditionally, since they looked funny on Mojave. That should fix Bruno's issue that he reported months ago; my response to him was wrong, as I did have a custom NSSearchField class for some reason. I just couldn't figure out how to see it in Apple's dreadful Interface Builder. Sorry about that.
Here's how things look on the ARM Mac (it being my main machine now, there was no package to update since they had all been updated yesterday):
The buttons with the longer French text in the toolbar had fixed width irrespective of the text length in the beta versions of Big Sur. This is no longer the case, the text is no longer cropped.
Here's what actual updates look like on the Intel Mac:
I thought disabling the custom URL field code would suppress the blue progress indicator inside this bar, but no: the indicator is still there. Great!
> I also added a plist key to try and make sure it won't show up as a default application for URLs. This might break the updater, and I haven't tested it thoroughly since I have multiple versions lying around here and I don't feel like fighting with Launch Services tonight.
I'm not sure how to test this. (The following all on the ARM Mac.)
Based on mactex_uti.pdf, applying mdls to a .html file gives
% mdls /usr/local/share/doc/ghostscript/9.53.3/index.html
kMDItemContentType = "public.html"
kMDItemContentTypeTree = (
kMDItemKind = "Document HTML"
For a .webloc file it gives
% mdls /Applications/SheepShaver/Setup\ Manual.webloc
kMDItemContentType = "com.apple.web-internet-location"
kMDItemContentTypeTree = (
kMDItemKind = "Adresse Internet du Web"
Using lsregister (the full path hasn't changed since mactex_uti):
claim id: HTML document (0x156a4)
localizedNames: "ar" = "مستند HTML", "Base" = ?, "ca" = "Document HTML", "cs" = "Dokument HTML", "da" = "HTML-dokument", "de" = "HTML-Dokument", "el" = "Έγγραφο HTML", "en" = "HTML document", "en_AU" = "HTML document", "en_GB" = "HTML document", "es" = "Documento HTML", "es_419" = "Documento HTML", "fi" = "HTML-dokumentti", "fr" = "Document HTML", "fr_CA" = "Document HTML", "he" = "מסמך HTML ", "hi" = "HTML दस्तावेज़", "hr" = "HTML dokument", "hu" = "HTML-dokumentum", "id" = "Dokumen HTML", "it" = "Documento HTML", "ja" = "HTML書類", "ko" = "HTML 문서", "LSDefaultLocalizedValue" = "HTML document", "ms" = "Dokumen HTML", "nl" = "HTML-document", "no" = "HTML-dokument", "pl" = "dokument HTML", "pt" = "Documento HTML", "pt_PT" = "Documento HTML", "ro" = "Document HTML", "ru" = "Документ HTML", "sk" = "HTML dokument", "sv" = "HTML-dokument", "th" = "เอกสาร HTML", "tr" = "HTML belgesi", "uk" = "Документ HTML", "vi" = "Tài liệu HTML", "zh_CN" = "HTML文稿", "zh_HK" = "HTML文件", "zh_TW" = "HTML文件"
rank: Default
bundle: Safari (0x5334)
flags: apple-default apple-internal doc-type resolves-icloud-conflicts (0000000000000223)
roles: Viewer (0000000000000002)
bindings: public.html, .html, .htm, .shtml, .jhtml, 'HTML', text/html
claim id: Web internet location (0x15694)
localizedNames: "ar" = "موضع إنترنت الويب", "Base" = ?, "ca" = "Ubicació web d’internet", "cs" = "Internetová lokace webu", "da" = "Internetadresse", "de" = "Web-Internetadresse", "el" = "Διαδικτυακή τοποθεσία Ιστού", "en" = "Web internet location", "en_AU" = "Web internet location", "en_GB" = "Web internet location", "es" = "Dirección web de internet", "es_419" = "Dirección web de Internet", "fi" = "Internet-sijainti", "fr" = "Adresse Internet du Web", "fr_CA" = "Adresse Internet du Web", "he" = "מיקום באינטרנט", "hi" = "वेब इंटरनेट स्थान", "hr" = "Web lokacija", "hu" = "Webinternethely", "id" = "Lokasi internet web", "it" = "Posizione web internet", "ja" = "Webインターネットロケーション", "ko" = "웹 인터넷 위치", "LSDefaultLocalizedValue" = "Web internet location", "ms" = "Lokasi internet web", "nl" = "Web-internetlocatie", "no" = "Internettadresse", "pl" = "adres WWW w Internecie", "pt" = "Localização de internet da Web", "pt_PT" = "Localização web internet", "ro" = "Adresă internet pentru web", "ru" = "Интернет-адрес", "sk" = "Webová internetová lokalita", "sv" = "Webbinternetplats", "th" = "ตำแหน่งที่ตั้งอินเทอร์เน็ตเว็บ", "tr" = "Web internet konumu", "uk" = "Веб-посилання", "vi" = "Vị trí web trên internet", "zh_CN" = "网页互联网位置", "zh_HK" = "網頁互聯網位置", "zh_TW" = "網頁Internet位置"
rank: Default
bundle: Safari (0x5334)
flags: apple-internal doc-type resolves-icloud-conflicts (0000000000000222)
roles: Viewer (0000000000000002)
bindings: .webloc, 'ilht'
So it's all Safari (set as the default web browser in System prefs > General, which doesn't offer TLU as a choice anyway). The Finder confirms this:
As for TLU, here's what ls register has to say (I removed the Mach-O UUIDs not knowing what these are, whether they are confidential info related to me or Adam):
bundle id: TeX Live Utility (0x5b98)
class: kLSBundleClassApplication (0x2)
container: / (0x4)
mount state: mounted
Mach-O UUIDs: [...]
sequenceNum: 23448
path: /Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app (0x6a24)
directory: /Applications
name: TeX Live Utility
localizedNames: "English" = "TeX Live Utility", "French" = "TeX Live Utility", "Japanese" = "TeX Live ユーティリティ", "LSDefaultLocalizedValue" = ?, "zh_CN" = "TeX Live Utility"
localizedShortNames: "English" = "TeX Live Utility", "French" = "TeX Live Utility", "Japanese" = "TeX Live ユーティリティ", "LSDefaultLocalizedValue" = "TeX Live Utility", "zh_CN" = "TeX Live Utility"
identifier: com.googlecode.mactlmgr.tlu
version: 1.37 ({length = 32, bytes = 0x01000000 00000000 25000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 })
versionString: 1.37b6
displayVersion: 1.37b6
mod date: 2020-12-19 06:52 (POSIX 1608357148, 𝛥 4 h 2 mn 55 s)
reg date: 2020-12-19 09:41 (POSIX 1608367295, 𝛥 1 h 13 mn 48 s)
rec mod date: 2020-12-19 09:41 (POSIX 1608367295, 𝛥 1 h 13 mn 48 s)
type code: 'APPL' (4150504c)
creator code: 'TLUm' (544c556d)
plist flags: has-custom-bindings (0000000000010000)
icon flags: relative-icon-path (0000000000000001)
arch flags: x86_64 (0000000000000008)
item flags: package application container native-app scriptable extension-hidden (000000000010088e)
Magnified: capable can-change (0000000000000005)
App Nap: capable (0000000000000001)
eGPU: capable can-change (0000000000000005)
platform: native
iconDict: 1 values (95020 (0x1732c))
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CFBundleIconFile = TeXDistTool;
icons: Contents/Resources/TeXDistTool.icns
executable: Contents/MacOS/TeX Live Utility
inode: 7813702
exec inode: 7813808
min version: 10.6 ({length = 32, bytes = 0x0a000000 00000000 06000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 })
execSDK ver: 10.15 ({length = 32, bytes = 0x0a000000 00000000 0f000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 })
mach min ver: 10.6 ({length = 32, bytes = 0x0a000000 00000000 06000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 })
infoDictionary: 21 values (95024 (0x17330))
CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = English;
CFBundleExecutable = "TeX Live Utility";
CFBundleHelpBookFolder = HelpBook;
CFBundleHelpBookName = "TeX Live Utility Help";
CFBundleIconFile = TeXDistTool;
CFBundleIdentifier = "com.googlecode.mactlmgr.tlu";
CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion = "6.0";
CFBundleName = "TeX Live Utility";
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NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = 1;
NSAppleScriptEnabled = YES;
NSHumanReadableCopyright = "Copyright \U00a9 2008-2020, Adam R. Maxwell.\nAll Rights Reserved.";
NSMainNibFile = MainMenu;
NSPrincipalClass = NSApplication;
NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching = 1;
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NSUserNotificationAlertStyle = banner;
library: Contents/Library/
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"com.apple.security.get-task-allow" = 1;
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claim id: 104760 (0x19938)
rank: Default
bundle: TeX Live Utility (0x5b98)
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claim id: Mirror URL (0x1993c)
localizedNames: "LSDefaultLocalizedValue" = "Mirror URL"
rank: Default
bundle: TeX Live Utility (0x5b98)
flags: url-type (0000000000000040)
roles: None (0000000000000001)
bindings: https:, http:, ftp:
bundle id: TLUNotifier (0x5b9c)
class: kLSBundleClassApplication (0x2)
container: / (0x4)
mount state: mounted
Mach-O UUIDs: [...]
sequenceNum: 23452
path: /Applications/TeX/TeX Live Utility.app/Contents/MacOS/TLUNotifier.app (0x6a28)
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localizedShortNames: "en" = ?, "LSDefaultLocalizedValue" = "TLUNotifier"
identifier: com.googlecode.mactlmgr.TLUNotifier
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versionString: 1
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mod date: 2020-12-19 06:55 (POSIX 1608357345, 𝛥 3 h 59 mn 38 s)
reg date: 2020-12-19 09:41 (POSIX 1608367302, 𝛥 1 h 13 mn 41 s)
rec mod date: 2020-12-19 09:41 (POSIX 1608367302, 𝛥 1 h 13 mn 41 s)
type code: 'APPL' (4150504c)
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plist flags: has-custom-bindings (0000000000010000)
icon flags: relative-icon-path (0000000000000001)
arch flags: x86_64 (0000000000000008)
item flags: package application container native-app extension-hidden (000000000010008e)
Magnified: capable can-change (0000000000000005)
App Nap: capable (0000000000000001)
eGPU: capable can-change (0000000000000005)
platform: native
iconDict: 1 values (95032 (0x17338))
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CFBundleIconFile = "TeXDistTool.icns";
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execSDK ver: 10.15 ({length = 32, bytes = 0x0a000000 00000000 0f000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 })
mach min ver: 10.8 ({length = 32, bytes = 0x0a000000 00000000 08000000 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 })
infoDictionary: 15 values (95036 (0x1733c))
CFBundleDevelopmentRegion = en;
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CFBundleShortVersionString = "1.0";
CFBundleSignature = "????";
CFBundleSupportedPlatforms = (
CFBundleVersion = 1;
NSHumanReadableCopyright = "Copyright \U00a9 2012 Adam R. Maxwell. All rights reserved.";
NSMainNibFile = MainMenu;
NSPrincipalClass = NSApplication;
NSUserNotificationAlertStyle = alert;
activityTypes: pv-c53054a553a382, NOTIFICATION#:com.googlecode.mactlmgr.TLUNotifier
entitlements: 1 values (95040 (0x17340))
"com.apple.security.get-task-allow" = 1;
> There are also some updates to localizations. Hopefully that's all fine, but let me know if there are problems.
The French locale seems OK as far as I can tell (I haven't looked in detail).
Thanks for all your work, especially knowing how you feel about the evolution of the Mac,
Happy Holidays if we'not in contact since then,
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