[texworks] Feature/enhancement request

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sun May 1 19:22:22 CEST 2022

On 01/05/2022 12:28 p.m., Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute) wrote:
> On 01/05/2022 17:22, Philip Taylor (Hellenic Institute) wrote:
>> [...]
>> To make this acceptable to the compiler, the pragmat itself would have 
>> to be wrapped in PRAGMAT delimiters, as in :
>>     PRAGMAT % !TeX Program=Algol-68 PRAGMAT
> Oops — I should have tested this before posting.  The compiler 
> interprets such pragmats according to its own rules,so in practice the 
> delimiters would have to be COMMENT delimiters, as in :
>     COMMENT % !TeX Program=Algol-68 COMMENT
> As before, is there any possibility to make the syntax of the line-1 
> typesetting engine programat more flexible, perhaps defining it in terms 
> of a regular expression to allow other compiler syntaces to be supported ?

I'll let Stefan answer your question, but as a workaround, wouldn't it 
be possible to configure the Algol-68 typesetting script to strip the 
first line before compiling?

Specifically, I'm guessing that you've configured the "Algol-68" tool to 
run your compiler with arguments based on the current file.  Instead, 
have it run some scripting language that removes the first line, saves 
to a temp file, and then passes that to the compiler.

I do similar things with R as the scripting language to process things 
using "knitr".  The whole script becomes so invisible that I had a hard 
time just now remembering where to find it to remind myself how it works.

Duncan Murdoch

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