[texhax] LaTeX : Section opening recto, verso blank

Philip TAYLOR (Ret'd) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Mar 14 11:09:41 CET 2009

Dear Colleagues -- For a forthcoming book, I would
like opening section pages to invariably have a
blank verso counterpart.  I am currently using
the following options and packages :


     \RequirePackage {fix-cm}
     \documentclass [a4paper, landscape, twoside, twocolumn]{book}

     \usepackage [compact, center]{titlesec}
     \usepackage {balance} % not used, causes loss of marks
     \usepackage {fixltx2e}
     \usepackage {fix1stcolmarks} % written here
     \usepackage {fancyhdr}
     \usepackage {transparent}
     \usepackage {oldstyle}
     \usepackage [pdftex]{graphicx}
     \usepackage [greek, english]{babel}
     \usepackage {teubner}
     \usepackage [colorlinks]{hyperref}

and sections have been designated as being of
class "top" (titlesec) in order to force them
to start recto.

I would be very grateful if anyone could suggest how
this could best be achieved without manually inserting
\clearpage or \cleardoublepage commands (i.e., I would
like the code to determine algorithmically if the previous
section has finished verso, and if so, to leave two blank

Many thanks in advance :

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