[tex-eplain] accents problem in pdf generated by eplain

Gérald Tenenbaum gerald.ten at free.fr
Mon Jan 31 21:45:24 CET 2022

The preamble

\input plnfss

  Paragraph ended before \setfont was complete.
<to be read again>

Luis Rivera a écrit le 31/01/2022 à 19:34 :
> Il giorno gio 20 gen 2022 alle ore 18:22 Gérald Tenenbaum
> <gerald.ten at free.fr> ha scritto:
>> Hi Karl,
>> I did ask on taxhax.
>> What is wrong with this code:
>> \magnification 1200
>> \input eplain
>> \beginpackages
>> \usepackage[applemac]{fontenc}
>> \endpackages
>> théorie
>> \end
> `applemac` is an `inputenc`; `T1` (aka Cork) or `OT1` (aka Knuth) are
> `fontenc`s. Besides, neither `inputenc` nor `fontenc` work on Plain,
> afaik. The correct call should be
> ```
> \beginpackages
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \endpackages
> ```
> I've been planning on making inputenc/fontenc available on Plain by
> extending somewhat `miniltx.sty`, but then I realized that goal may
> require reimplementing LICR (LaTeX's Internal Code Representation), or
> going straight to Unicode; and then, life is complicated.
> There `plnfss` comes in handy. Replace the above with
> ```
> \input plnfss
> \setfont{T1}{lmr}{m}{n}
> ```
> and try again.
> This trick should also set up LaTeX commands to combine boldface with
> italics, etc.; and if your input encoding is, say, Latin1, you are all
> set. No need for backslash constructions.
> Good luck, and happy plnfssing!
> Luis Rivera
> P.S. set your email provider to send plain text, not html, please: the
> archives scrub html email.

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