[pdftex] Interrobang

Chris Moller moller at mollerware.com
Mon May 25 05:04:08 CEST 2020

The problem is that much of the point of docbook is that a single set of 
sources can be spun to different formats. Spin it with docbook2pdf and 
you get a pdf.  Spin it with docbook2html and you get html.  Spin that 
the right way and you can get epub.  Since html and epub spins both 
really do understand that ‽  is an interrobang, I'm kinda stuck 
with spitting out an ‽ when I need an interrobang.  (SGML docbook 
doesn't support conditionals, so there's no way that's not insanely 
complex to condition the output based on the target.)

On 2020-05-24 21:37, Peter Schmitt wrote:
> On Sun, 24 May 2020, Karl Berry wrote:
>>     \Character{8253}
>> I'd just like to mention that \Character is not a pdftex primitive.
>> I surmise the issue is with the packages (whatever they are) that
>> you're using. As far as I can tell from the descriptions, the problem is
>> not with pdftex (the program) itself. --best, karl.
> Well, as I said, I do not know doctopdf (or doctotex) -- I only tried to
> find a method to solve the problem.
> But if it is possible to redefine \Character this means that
> \Character{} is passed to the intermediate .tex-file.
> And then \textinterrobang would also be passed to it, wouldn't it?
> And since this works with pdflatex it could be used directly.
> Or am I wrong? Peter

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