[luatex] Who maintains lua codes for luaotfload for luatex (without hb)?

Petr Olsak petr at olsak.net
Fri May 29 19:35:01 CEST 2020

>/On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 06:30:35PM +0200, Petr Olsak wrote: />/> I am lost, please, help me. Where are lua sources for luaotfload for />/luatex />/> without hb? If they are not at tex/luatex/luaotfolad, can I input these />/lua />/> codes direcly from the place where they are "live"? How to do this? />//>/Well, obviously, the Lua code for the non-HarfBuzz shaper “lives” in />/the ConTeXt source where they come from. />//>/Best, />//>/Arthur /

Sorry, I am still lost. There is luatex (with plain-like format) ready 
in TeXlive 2020. When the lua code from tex/luatex/luaoffload is used by 
this luatex command, where is source of such codes? Who maintain these 
codes? Where can I put my bug report concerned to luaotfload?

I started my project OpTeX from luatex without hb and the luaotfload is 
very important part, it must be funcional. With whom can I communicate 
about these codes?

Specifically: I have bug report 

Where can I put it?


Petr Olsak

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