[latexrefman] Texinfo UTF-8 does not have №

Denis Bitouzé dbitouze at wanadoo.fr
Mon Apr 20 13:45:44 CEST 2020

Le 19/04/20 à 23h28, Vincent Belaïche a écrit :

> The French for «#» with the meaning of «number» is «№».
> In the latexrefman, because # has some meaning in the TeX/LaTeX
> language the symbol # is never used in the explanation text as an
> abbreviation to replace word «number».
> For instance it is written somewhere «published by the @TeX{} Users
> Group as @cite{@TeX{}niques} number 10» which I translated by «publié
> par le @TeX{} Users Group en tant que @cite{@TeX{}niques} numéro 10».
> However, I am wondering whether instead of using full text «numéro»,
> it wouldn't have been shorter/simpler to use its abbreviation №.
> Now, I just realize that this symbol does not compile to PDF, it gets
> empty in the PDF output.
> So I have two questions :
> To Denis : qu'est-ce que tu en penses, de temps à autres ça serait
> pertinent de faire plus concis ainsi ?

Answer in rough English :) Instead of №, I usually use `\no` from
`babel-french` and, indeed, it would be more readable than the full

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