[ho-tex] CTAN Upload: pdftexcmds

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sun Jun 28 23:36:56 CEST 2020

    >  we suggest that the generated pdftexcmds.lua and the sty are both
    >  installed in tex/generic

Good, I agree. In fact, I installed all the files in texmf-dist/*/generic.

    uf> (currently the sty is in tex/latex
    pr-p> Maybe that is because ".sty" suggests LaTeX and "generic"
    pr-p> would rather be expected to be ".tex"?

For TL, the CTAN directory being macros/latex/contrib means that the
default installation location will be texmf-dist/*/latex. It's not based
on file extension. (There are plain .sty files of long standing, e.g.,
tugboat.sty, epsf.sty. Unfortunately.)

    uf> as the style works also in plain, 

Thus I suggest the CTAN location be macros/generic/pdftexcmds,
with a symlink in m/l/c for compatibility as usual. Then I wouldn't need
any special cases :).

Although I know there are plenty more formats, in practice "generic"
has been taken to mean "works in plain and latex".

    p> Hm, well, as far as number of files and complexity are concerned,

The *test-* files are not actually generated since they are commented
out from the .dtx. (Which is fine, as far as I'm concerned.) Anyway ...

Thanks for all,

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