[ho-tex] CTAN Upload: pdftexcmds

Petra Ruebe-Pugliese petra at ctan.org
Mon Jun 29 11:22:05 CEST 2020

On Sun 28 Jun 2020 at 15:36:56 -0600  Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:

>     uf> as the style works also in plain, 
> Thus I suggest the CTAN location be macros/generic/pdftexcmds,
 Yes, absolutely.
 I have moved the package to that new location.
> with a symlink in m/l/c for compatibility as usual.
 Well, I did not go along with _that_ detail ...
 As a matter of fact, we seem to have dropped the habit of
 leaving symlinks around to mark previous locations.
 (Lots of untidy rubbish cluttering the archive, and one _should_
 delete them sooner or later anyway, so better do it ASAP.)
 Our current policy is that the "canonical home" of a package
 is its webpage https://ctan.org/pkg/<packagename>.
 These URLs should be stable, and all the rest can be recovered
 from there when one has lost track of it.

> Then I wouldn't need any special cases :).
 I completely agree.  Don't like "special cases" either.
> Although I know there are plenty more formats, in practice "generic"
> has been taken to mean "works in plain and latex".
 Yes, that's how we understand it.

 BTW @ ho-tex:  Because of this move the announcement of the
 package update had to be delayed until around "now+24hrs"
 because the symlinks on https://ctan.org/pkg/pdftexcmds
 will be potentially broken until the webpage has updated
 and _all_ the mirrors have synchronized again.


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