[biblio] bst, format.name$, initials and tie (~)

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Jul 4 00:42:46 CEST 2020

Hi Matteo,

    If was expecting "A.~B.~C.~D" (with the ~ everywhere), but if the
    current behavior is the expected one, I humbly ask the rationale :)

Oren says the rationale is simply that line breaks have to be allowed
somewhere within long names. Even abbreviations of them can get long.

To get ties between all parts, I think ~~ in the bst file is the answer
(I can't say I've tried it). See page 9 of btxhak.pdf, or fragment of
btxhak.tex copied below ... --best, karl.

-- from btxhak.tex --
Within each piece [of the format string given to format.name$]
a double letter tells \BibTeX\ to use whole tokens, and
a single letter, to abbreviate them (these letters must be at brace-level~1);
everything else within the piece is used verbatim
(well, almost everything---read on).
The tie at the end of the von part (in \hbox{\verb|{vv~}|})
is a discretionary tie---\BibTeX\ will output a tie at that point
if it thinks there's a need for one;
otherwise it will output a space.
If you really, really, want a tie there,
regardless of what \BibTeX\ thinks, use two of them
(only one will be output); that is, use \hbox{\verb|{vv~~}|}.

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