[accessibility] Seeking Help for Producing Accessible PDF

Boris Veytsman borisv at lk.net
Sun Jun 20 23:07:33 CEST 2021

s> From: sanchit <sanchitjghule at gmail.com>
s> Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2021 03:19:33 +0530

s> Lastly, Could you Please suggest appropriate way to update TeXLive to 
s> LaTeX 2021-06-01.
s> texlive-latex-extra is installed both on my RPi and WSL, and I did not 
s> find easy way to update it.
s> my MiKTeX is up to date but still when I run "termpaper-corrected.tex", 
s> it gives inaccessible words with ligatures.

To tell the truth, I do not understand why you did not have the proper
treatment of ligatures in the 2020 TeXLive.  It is probably a case of
some misconfiguration.  However, it might be easier to install new
TeX than to reconfigure the old one.

There are several distributions to choose from.  I might be biased,
but I strongly recommend to use TeXLive on all your computers
including Windows and Linux.  There are two reasons for this:

1.  TeXLive exists for most Linux distributions and Windows (and
    MacOS), including RPI, so you can just keep the same configuration
    across all platforms.  Some people even have one distribution and
    cross-mount it using NFS, but with mobile computers (laptops etc)
    this is less attractive.

2.  TeXLive can be easily managed and configured using command line
    only.  This makes it the most accessible distribution with respect
    to administration.

Now TeXLive is supposed to be upgraded during a year, and once a year
a new distribution is released, which is intended to be installed from
scratch.  So the cycle is: (1) install TeXLive 2021, (2) upgrade it
from time to time, and (3) in 2022 install TeXLive 2022.

I'd suggest installing TeXLive 2021 in /usr/local/texlive/2021, and
add the binaries to your PATH instead of upgrading the system version
of TeX.  I'd suggest leaving the system version alone and using the
local one instead.

The installation instructions are here:

Good luck


A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming is
not worth knowing.

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