[accessibility] Seeking Help for Producing Accessible PDF

Boris Veytsman borisv at lk.net
Thu Jun 17 20:25:54 CEST 2021

s> From: sanchit <sanchitjghule at gmail.com>
s> Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 12:09:58 +0530

s> I am sanchit. a blind guy.
s> I am a newbie trying to use TeX and LaTeX, with my initial struggle, I 
s> happen to produce PDF with multiple warnings for my images and captions.

s> I was very glad thinking that I could produce PDF but after deciphering 
s> my own inaccessible PDF I just shattered. Later I tried using package 
s> for tagging with no success.

Hi Sanchit

A great pdf.  What were the most glaring problems for screen readers
for it?

Good luck


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