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Same locations, different labels.

It is not necessary to use the text strings from the .bb file for the labels. Instead, the label can be specified within the TEX or LATEX source. This is most convenient, since it means that:

The following example uses this technique as one way to get larger sized mathematics in labels. The actual code used is shown below.

Figure 8: All labels dropped as XY-pic styled text boxes.
...rkedPos{7}*+!DL[blue]\txt\labeltextstyle {$X(m_{\lambda})$}

Figure 9: Coding for the above figure uses various XY-pic effects.
 \xyMarkedPos{4}+/u1ex/*+!DL[F-:red]\txt\labeltextstyle{integral curve of $X$}

Using \xyMarkedPos allows the most flexibility amongst all the commands available for placing a label. Essentially all that it does is to move the XY-pic ``current point'' to the location of the marked point. Now any valid XY-pic code can be used to place anything at all at that point.

Commands to allow direct use of XY-pic code at the marked points are as follows:


In the latter three cases, if the {<pos>*<object>} is empty, then a default \markobject is used for each point in the <list>. This is the same for the command \xyShowAllMarkedPoints, as was used in the first example and a later one. All these commands finish with the XY-pic \POS-parser command so that further XY-pic drawing can be done, if desired. For a single marked point located using \xyShowMark, its number is also placed, using a macro \markobjectlabel. This expands as follows; it can be redefined if desired.


Symbolic names.

Although all the examples so far have referred to the marked points by number, they can instead be assigned a symbolic name. Any text string suffices instead of the number within the .bb file. This string can be used instead of the <num> in those macros that require such an argument. Macros wanting a <list> still work since there is an internal counter as well as the symbolic name.

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Ross Moore 1999-07-30