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Format of the .bb files.

The examples shown here have used .bb files in which the information is presented as in figure 2. This form is based on the structure of comments in PostScript files. Note how it includes a %%BoundingBox comment in the standard PostScript form as well as the actual marked point information.

Indeed, it is the presence of this comment that warrants the use of the extension .bb. In LATEX, the \includegraphics command can make use of the bounding-box information contained in a file with this extension. For an EPS graphic this information could be read from the .eps file itself; however, since these files can be very large and can contain binary portions which TEX does not handle easily, it is often more convenient to have it extracted into a separate .bb file. For non-EPS graphics, all TEX requires is the bounding-box information to know how large an empty box to leave while typesetting. Having this in a separate .bb file is the only viable option due to the binary nature of most graphics formats. With WARMreader, this use of a .bb file has been extended to include extra marked point information.

Furthermore, with a .eps or other PostScript image, the contents of a .bb file can be pasted into the .eps file for easier distribution. When there is initially no .bb file, the WARMreader macros search the .eps file instead and a .bb file is created, containing the %%BoundingBox comment. The marked point information is included also, provided that a %%StartMarkedPoints comment has been encountered within the first 20 lines.

It is now apparent that the labelling strategy discussed here can be used with any graphics format provided that

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Ross Moore 1999-07-30