TUG 2024

Presentations covering
the TeX world

Typography & typesetting, fonts & design, publishing and more

TUG 2024: July 19-21, 2024 (Friday-Sunday)
The 45th Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group

Thursday, July 18, 2024, 14:00-17:30: Tagging PDF documents
A LaTeX developers' workshop organized by the LaTeX team (limited seats).


Hotel Grandior
Na Porici 42
110 00 Prague, Czechia
phone: +420 211 159 860

Dates and deadlines


The conference will be held at the Hotel Grandior in downtown Prague, Czechia. The address is Na Porici 42110 00.

The principal airport is Prague Václav Havel Airport, airport code PRG. Travel options from/to the airport, as well as Prague visitor information, are on separate pages.

Online participation

This is primarily an in-person conference, but the talks will be streamed live on the TUG YouTube Channel, at no charge. Registration is not required. The channel will be monitored during the conference for questions or comments to relay to the speakers.

Donations to help cover the (not inconsiderable) streaming expenses are greatly appreciated! At your convenience, either:

 via PayPal   or donate via TUG.


Rooms are reserved for TUG conference participants at three (nearly) adjacent hotels:

All rates exclude a city tax of CZK 50 (about 2€) per person per night.


Excursion: Organ concert

Sunday, July 21: organ concert at the St. Salvator church, Salvátorská 1, by Lukas Vendl and perhaps a special guest. It will take about an hour. Please bear in mind that there are two “Salvator” churches in the Old Town and the concert will only be at one of them.


The conference is sponsored by the TeX Users Group, CSTUG, DANTE e.V., Google, Overleaf, Pearson Addison-Wesley, STM Document Engineering Pvt Ltd, and many individual donors. Thanks to all.

 TUG logo     CSTUG logo    DANTE logo    Google logo    Overleaf logo    Pearson Addison-Wesley logo    STM Document Engineering logo 

Additional sponsors will be greatly appreciated! Please also mention the conference to colleagues and in any other contexts.


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