As usual, we'd like to especially invite presentations on practical use of LaTeX, plain TeX, ConTeXt, MetaPost, and the rest of the TeX family. However, as usual, presentations on new TeX developments, publishing, fonts, typography, or any topic related to the TeX world are also happily considered.
Other conference pages:
If you'd like to make a presentation at the conference, please submit a title and abstract via email (plain ASCII is fine, or any TeX format—but no footnotes, please) to by May 1, 2018, and also specify your affiliation as you would like it listed in the program. Earlier submissions are greatly appreciated. Please also write us at that same email address for any questions, suggestions, expressions of interest, etc.
Submissions after the deadline will be considered, indeed gratefully received, as long as space is available. But to ease our planning, please at least contact us by the deadline. Warning: due to the several workshops being offered at this conference, we may have somewhat fewer slots for presentations available than usual, so please don't count on availability after the deadline.
Preprints received by June 1 (preferred format: PDF with corresponding sources), will be included in the conference program. The final proceedings will be prepared as part of a TUGboat issue, after the conference; proceedings submission deadline: July 4, 2018.
A template for TUGboat papers is available, along with other information for authors.
Please send us slides for your presentation at any time (preferred format: PDF, no need for sources), and we will post them on the web site for attendees to peruse.
Presentations without accompanying formal papers are also welcome at the conference. On the other hand, if you can't attend the conference to present your paper, please submit it as an article for a regular TUGboat issue.
Here are some general guidelines for content of presentations:
Technically, please prepare your presentation as a PDF file if at all possible, to minimize setup time. If live demonstrations or special software is needed, please tell us in advance. Internet access will be available.
Plan for a total presentation time around 30-35 minutes, including time for questions. If you know you will need either more or less time, please let us know, as this is crucial information for scheduling.
We can recommend perusing Jean-luc Doumont's pamphlet on papers and presentations, Traditions, templates, and group leaders: Barriers to effective communication.
We look forward to hearing from you!