Practical TeX 2018 workshops

Calligraphy workshop: Mon/Tue post-talks

Designer Kris Holmes has kindly agreed to lead a workshop on calligraphy. She will guide us in a quick tour through the letters, and (special to our conference) math and technical signs and numerals. (Some photos from another workshop.)

We expect to schedule this for two two-hour sessions, after the conference talks on Monday and Tuesday (June 25 and 26), but can't be sure until closer to time. In any case, it will not be concurrent with any talks.

There is a limit of 20 participants. Please reserve a spot by signing up on the conference registration form. There is a small additional fee to help cover expenses.

All materials will be provided and no prior calligraphy experience is necessary.

LaTeX workshop: Monday day

We will offer a LaTeX workshop for introductory and intermediate users on Monday, June 25. It will be led by Jim Hefferon.

We will cover the basics of LaTeX from a user's perspective. It will be hands-on. This will include time for one-on-one attention, so please do bring any specific questions or problems you might have and we will do our best to help. Because of this interactive aspect there is a limit of 15 participants.

Please bring a laptop, and have TeX installed if possible. Otherwise, we hope people will be able to share.

This workshop runs concurrently with the main conference, for the conference's first day. If you're attending the rest of the conference there is no additional fee, but please let us know you're planning to come to the workshop in the comments field on the conference registration form. (The conference's first day contains the more advanced talks so workshop participants won't miss out.)

You are also welcome to register for the workshop alone, for a small fee. See the registration form. In the past, students and staff at nearby institutions have found this useful.

R+knitr+LaTeX workshop: (tentatively) Wednesday post-talks

Lab notebooks with LaTeX, R and knitr, led by Boris Veytsman. (The day/time may change; we'll finalize closer to the conference.)

The work of a research scientist involves keeping daily notebooks. Such a working notebook is a document with text, equations, calculations, figures, tables, code snippets which reflects the current state of the lab research. This workshop teaches how to maintain such notebooks in a TeX/R environment.

Prerequisites: please install the following on your computer— a TeX distribution (preferably TeX Live or MiKTeX), R with packages knitr, tikzDevice and Hmisc. For a front end, we can use either Rstudio or Emacs + AucTeX + ESS.

After you have installed R, you can install knitr, tikzDevice and Hmisc using the R packaging system. Also, Vincent Goulet has constructed convenient Emacs distributions for Windows and Mac systems which include ESS+AUCTeX.

There is no fee for this workshop, but please let us know you're planning to attend it in the comments field on the conference registration form.

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