[yandytex] lucimatx.sty

J. R. Setti jrasetti at usp.br
Mon Oct 22 19:47:41 CEST 2007

On 10/22/07, Murray Eisenberg <murray at math.umass.edu> wrote:
> You don't find lucimatx.sty there because it's a product of PCTeX, Inc.,
> that ships with the Lucida fonts supplied by that company.

And it costs US$10 from the PCTeX site.

Best of luck trying to get it to work with the Lucida fonts in Y & Y
> TeX!  So far as I am aware, nobody has been able to do that, or if they
> have they haven't let anybody else know EXACTLY how!.

I have been working with Lucida fonts since I bought my first Y&Y TeX  some
time back in the last century. I just do a standard install and things run
very well. I use LY1 encoding and lucidabr.sty. And I still use my Y&Y
Lucida font set. It still works fine for me. Should I need to buy the new
license from TUG, I would still use the old font set.

I presume that lucimatx.sty should work, because there is a pdf file in my
Y&Y CD (from 2000, ver. 2.2.1) that seems to be the same you can download
from PCTeX. I asked them to tell me if it will work, because I don´t want to
waste ten bucks (yes, I´m cheap :-). I will let you know if it works.

I posted queries to this list before about how to do it, and nobody
> really seemed to know what to do to get it to work.  Lots of
> explanations were offered about how fonts work in Y&Y, and suggestions
> made to read this or that part of documentation about fonts, Y&Y, etc.
> But still this has been of no use -- at least to me.
> If you can find out, PLEASE let everybody know here!

I found the solution for my problem, anyway, and it does not require
I want to have an environment typeset  with Lucida  Sans  and want the
equations and
other math stuff to be also typeset in Lucida  Sans, without  the need to
use the
\mathsf LaTeX command.

Donald Arseneau´s sansmath.sty, tweaked, was the solution. This package
creates a
new command, \sansmath, which can be declared in a local group (like my

To make it work with Lucida Sans, it should be declared after lucidabr.sty.
In my case, I have a new environment (sol.) within which I want all math to
be typeset in Lucida Sans:

 \footnotesize {\fontseries{ub}\sffamily SOLUTION}:\sffamily\sansmath}%

The sansmath.sty code needs a few modifications. The encoding in the package
should be changed from OT1 or T1 to LY1 (I am just showing the relevant

[...stuff deleted..]
\SetMathAlphabet{\mathrm} {sans}{\sansmathencoding}{\sfdefault}{m}{n}
\SetSymbolFont {operators}{sans}{LY1}{\sfdefault}{m}{n}

% The cmm and cmsy are too light for cmss.  I tried {b} for the next
% two lines, but it did not work well (unbold +, bold greek, bad \neq)
%\SetSymbolFont {letters}  {sans}{OML}{cms} {m}{it}
%\SetSymbolFont {symbols}  {sans}{OMS}{cmsy}{m}{n}

The last two lines (in bold) needed to be commented out. If I knew more
about fonts in LaTeX, I would be able to replace cms and cmsy with the
appropriate strings for Lucida. [Any suggestions from the font gurus?].
Anyway, just skipping them seems to be enough... I checked the dvi fonts in
my document and apparently all the right ones are there: every instance of
cm* disappeared from the dvi font list.

The lucimatx style file is much nicer to use to control details of Lucida
> fonts.

I´ll let you know if I can make it work.

Thanks to Murray for the help.

Dr. José Reynaldo Setti                                jrasetti at usp.br

Universidade de São Paulo                          400 Av. Trabalhador
São Carlos School of Engineering                 São Carlos, SP, Brazil --
Department of Transportation Engineering      (55-16) 3373-9596
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