[yandytex] lucimatx.sty

Murray Eisenberg murray at math.umass.edu
Mon Oct 22 16:26:30 CEST 2007

You don't find lucimatx.sty there because it's a product of PCTeX, Inc., 
that ships with the Lucida fonts supplied by that company.

Best of luck trying to get it to work with the Lucida fonts in Y & Y 
TeX!  So far as I am aware, nobody has been able to do that, or if they 
have they haven't let anybody else know EXACTLY how!.

I posted queries to this list before about how to do it, and nobody 
really seemed to know what to do to get it to work.  Lots of 
explanations were offered about how fonts work in Y&Y, and suggestions 
made to read this or that part of documentation about fonts, Y&Y, etc. 
But still this has been of no use -- at least to me.

If you can find out, PLEASE let everybody know here!  The lucimatx style 
file is much nicer to use to control details of Lucida fonts.  There's 
no problem using it with MiKTeX (and, of course, with PCTeX).  But I'd 
really like to use it with Y&Y, since still Y&Y has the fastest 
previewer of any Windows-based TeX I have used.  And, unfortunately or 
fortunately, the way Y&Y handles fonts is arcane and marches to a 
different drummer than other distributions.

J. R. Setti wrote:
> Dear fellow Y&Y TeXers,
> I was looking on my Y&Y CD for lucimatx.sty, but I could not find it there,
> although  I had purchased  the full Lucida font set.
> Does anybody have it? Does anybody know how I could get a copy of it  that
> would work with my Y&Y TeX?
> Thanks a lot,
> --jrs.
> PS: If anyone is curious to know why I ask this, it is because I want to use
> the package sansmath.sty to create an environment within which the math is
> set in Lucida Sans without having to use \mathsf{} all over the place. Right
> now, it sort of works, but is changing the fonts to CM sans serif. I am
> wondering if this is because I am using lucidabr.sty and not lucimatx.sty,
> which seems to be a newer and better version of lucidabr.sty.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I don´t seem to be smart
> enough to understand font management in Latex.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/yandytex

Murray Eisenberg                     murray at math.umass.edu
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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