[yandytex] lucimatx.sty

J. R. Setti jrasetti at usp.br
Mon Oct 22 14:54:50 CEST 2007

Dear fellow Y&Y TeXers,

I was looking on my Y&Y CD for lucimatx.sty, but I could not find it there,
although  I had purchased  the full Lucida font set.
Does anybody have it? Does anybody know how I could get a copy of it  that
would work with my Y&Y TeX?

Thanks a lot,


PS: If anyone is curious to know why I ask this, it is because I want to use
the package sansmath.sty to create an environment within which the math is
set in Lucida Sans without having to use \mathsf{} all over the place. Right
now, it sort of works, but is changing the fonts to CM sans serif. I am
wondering if this is because I am using lucidabr.sty and not lucimatx.sty,
which seems to be a newer and better version of lucidabr.sty.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I don´t seem to be smart
enough to understand font management in Latex.
Dr. José Reynaldo Setti                                jrasetti at usp.br

Universidade de São Paulo                          400 Av. Trabalhador
São Carlos School of Engineering                 São Carlos, SP, Brazil --
Department of Transportation Engineering      (55-16) 3373-9596
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