current state of Y&Y web site

Karl Berry karl at FREEFRIENDS.ORG
Tue Feb 8 15:05:19 CET 2005

Several people have written wondering about possible Y&Y futures.

It is far too early to say for sure, but it is *possible* that it will
be reincarnated, though most likely as free software, rather than a
commercial product with commercial support.  (I'm intentionally being
rather vague, since the outcome is so unsettled; sorry.)

Such a reincarnation would *not* include the Lucida or MathTime fonts.
It's likely that the Lucida fonts will be available, as a commercial
product, perhaps within a few months (if we're lucky).  But this will be
completely separate from the software.

I have two general questions for this group.  First, what makes Y&Y TeX
special?  That is, why do you like it, compared to other
implementations, such as miktex?  I know there is no virtual font
support; are there are other important features you found lacking?
Other features that are especially nice and could be integrated into
other implementations?

Second, free software lives and dies by volunteers.  If anyone here is a
Windows programmer who would be interested in working on the project, or
if you know any Windows developers who might be interested, *please* let
me know.

Hearing some discussion from enthusiastic and knowledgeable users will
weigh heavily in the outcome.

Karl (one of the negotiators)

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