current state of Y&Y web site

Jochen Autschbach jautschbach at YAHOO.COM
Tue Feb 8 15:26:04 CET 2005

> I have two general questions for this group.  First, what makes Y&Y
> TeX
> special?  That is, why do you like it, compared to other
> implementations, such as miktex?  I know there is no virtual font

I _really_ like dviwindo. It's very fast, gives very clear preview of
the DVI file, and most importantly, it lets me copy selections of the
screen to the clipboard in WMF format. This is great for generating
Powerpoint presentations with equations and tables copied from my
papers without loss of resolution. I'm not aware of any other DVI
previewer that can do this and it has been the main reason why I bought
the YandY TeX system instead of just the MathTime and Lucida fonts
(bundled with the fonts it wasn't expensive anyway).
Another useful feature that I use quite often is that I can view
rotated tables generated with  the "rotating" package.

I usually use dvipsone / Acrobat distiller for printing and PDF
generation which works very well.

> support; are there are other important features you found lacking?

Virtual font support would be great for compatibility reasons. E.g. I
have some font packages that I can't use with yandytex/dviwindo which
is really a pity. Also, dviwindo needs an improved Postscript preview
feature (e.g. using ghostscript like other dvi previewers do). Right
now I have to embed EPS files with low-res TIFF previews. Another
problem is that, dviwindo won't print the embedded EPS files as EPS but
just the TIFF preview, contrary to what the manual says.

The TeX engine of Yandy doesn't really offer any advantages over
MiKTeX, say, as far as I can tell. It's quite slow with finding .sty
files compared to miktex, and the bibtex executable that comes with it
can't read more than 20 .bib files so I have to use another one.


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