Problem getting different-sized fences in Y&Y TeX

Mimi Burbank mimi at CSIT.FSU.EDU
Mon May 3 12:56:48 CEST 2004

Evidently, (according to an expert ;-))

the math extension things (that the extensible brackets and things
come from) don't work at sizes greater than 10pt, by default, in 2e.

so you need to define the sizes something along the lines of...

i.e.,   \big at 1.2 times the height
         \Big at 1.5 times    "
           \bigg at 2 times   "
           \Bigg at 2.5 times "

as an example, you can look at the   exscale.sty file on the
CTAN archives - but that is for CM fonts...


On May02 11:59PM, Jim Wilson wrote:
> The following PDF files
> show the result of typesetting in Y&Y TeX the LaTeX files
> test11.tex and test12.tex that are contained in the .zip file
> The typeset output of test11.tex is set in 11-point Times Roman type; and
> as you can see in equation (1), the nested fences
>   \Big  (  ... \big \{ ... [ ... ] \big \} ... \Big )
> show up in progressively smaller sizes as the nesting gets deeper.
> This is what I want to indicate visually the level of nesting
> of conditional expectations in this situation.
> On the other hand, when we typeset this same LaTeX file in 12-point
> type, the result seen in test12.pdf is clear not what was intended---
> \big \{  seems to produce a curly left brace that is the same size
> as the normalsize left square bracket [.   Similarly, the \big |
> produces exactly the same size vertical bar | as the normalsize |.
> If the intended effect is achieved in 11-point type, then it seems it
> should work in a similar way in 12-point type.
> Is there some way to fix this?
> Jim Wilson

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