Problem with Laptop and installation

John.De-Bruyn at John.De-Bruyn at
Thu Jan 8 11:42:19 CET 2004

.. and I had to reinstall the fonts properly, but I think it's ok now.

In the stuff that came with my software there is a card of installation
instructions. It has a sticker on it that says
"For installation: Windows 2000 Pro or Windows XP"

It then lists three possible actions, then says "Do not install ATM for
windows 2000 Pro or Windows XP"

I think I misinterpreted this sticker to mean that any of the three possible
actions listed were acceptable for windows XP, when I now understand that
this is not the case, it is only the first option, and the last "do not"
warning, that are relevant to XP, despite the title on the sticker. May I
suggest that you change this sticker to be more clear? There may be others
out there as dumb as me.

Thanks again


John R. de Bruyn          :  jdebruyn at
Laboratoire de Rheologie  :  phone: +33 (0)4 76 82 51 77
38041 Grenoble Cedex 9    :  fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 51 64

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