mathtime in MikTeX

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at
Mon Sep 15 10:56:42 CEST 2003

sorry, folks; i'm a bit unreliable just now.  started this on 11th...

Geoffrey Nunes writes:

> Ok, so this is probably a forbidden subject, but I've bought and paid for
> the Mathtime 1.1 fonts, and would like to be able to use them in my
> favorite TeX platform.  If anyone has gotten these to work properly under
> MikTeX (in either TeX or LaTeX or both) I would love to know how.

i've done that, experimentally.  (i don't regularly use miktex myself,
but the installation seemed to work.)

1. i created a see

   (someone told me there was an "official" one on ctan somewhere, but
   in my usual chaotic way i've lost the reference.)

2. install that in \localtexmf\dvips\yandy (create the directory if

3. the distribution includes .pfb, .tfm and .vf file(s) (actually only
   one current .vf) [or should include: they were on my cd, the .vf
   confusingly in a tfm directory]

   install these in


   creating the required directories as necessary

4. it says here:

   On a Mik\TeX{} system earlier than version~2.2, the ``Refresh
   filename database'' operation, which you performed after installing
   the map file, also updates the system's ``postscript resources

   On a Mik\TeX{} system, version~2.2 or later, update
   \File|updmap.cfg| which is described in Mik\TeX{} online
   Then execute the MkFntMap utility, and the job is done.

you can probably guess that i've not done this from memory.  in
particular, i've not tried it on a <2.2 system, since i don't have one
any more -- someone else told me that what's listed above is how to go
about it -- confirmation that it works would be welcome...


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