mathtime in MikTeX

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at
Thu Sep 11 19:28:00 CEST 2003

> Geoffrey Nunes writes:
> >
> > Ok, so this is probably a forbidden subject, but I've bought and paid for
> > the Mathtime 1.1 fonts, and would like to be able to use them in my
> > favorite TeX platform.  If anyone has gotten these to work properly under
> > MikTeX (in either TeX or LaTeX or both) I would love to know how.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > -Geoff Nunes
> >
> > ...
> >
> Previous references to MikTeX were in conjunction with some Lucida
> fonts which didn't have all the necessary font files in place. So not
> pertinent. Sorry for getting your hopes up ...
> On the other hand, I've just gone to the UK TeX FAQ, which has a
> fabulous search capability now, and searched on both `mathtime' and
> `miktex'; the latter is probably going to yield you more useful
> information.
> So here's the URL (everyone should bookmark this one!):

no they shouldn't!!!!

that is my experimental faq site.  it quite often has broken things on
it.  and (as i said when i originally posted) you can't count on the
mathtime stuff being in it ... it isn't there just now.

i had to interrupt extracting a text version of the instructions, in
order to eat (it's 1930hrs or so, here).  just wait for my text
version (i'm a bit slow -- i'm convalescing after a serious


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