PSTricks problem

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at
Thu Sep 11 16:59:13 CEST 2003

herbert gintis writes:

> I just installed PSTricks on my laptop. When I compile the test program
> that come with it (test-pst.tex), I get an error message from Acrobat
> Distiller, saying there's an error in the ps file, then "OffendingCommand:
> SDict". Any idea what this means?
> The first commands that lead to this error are:
> \begin{pspicture}(-1,0)(2,2)
>    \begin{psclip}{\psdiamond(1.5,0.2)(2.0,0.5)}
>      \Huge Scary Monsters
>    \end{psclip}
> \end{pspicture}

where did you get your copy of pstricks from?

i'm not sure this is significant, but (a) pstricks was developed for
the freeware dvips, (b) SDict is a postscript dictionary that dvips
creates for use when processing \special commands, and (c) i don't
know whether dvipsone is _supposed_ to have the same internal
structure here (it does share ancestry with dvips).

(note, i'm at home sick, and don't have any y&y manuals with me, so
don't know if the faq -- for example -- says anything about this


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