FW: BibTeX

Y&Y. Inc. support at yandy.com
Mon Mar 17 08:26:50 CET 2003

Mimi, Barbara, Robin and Christina,

Here is a message from Berthold re: BibTeX.  He also sent the executable
which I was unable to open.  I called my ISP provider who told me
executables cannot be opened. Berthold is going to resend a zip file.


-----Original Message-----
From: Berthold K.P. Horn [mailto:bkph at ai.mit.edu]
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 12:43 PM
To: support at yandy.com
Subject: Re: BibTeX

(1) please see the attached (c:\flyers\bibtex.txt)  This file should
also be
in c:\yandy\doc-misc when someone installs a system.

Problems may arise when people use the old bibtex in
c:\yandy\util instead of the new one in c:\yandy\bibtex
Sometimes WinEdt is still set up to link to the old version.

(2)  The auxiliary files should be in sub-directories of c:\yandy\bibtex
Check that there is c:\yandy\bibtex\bib, \bst and \csf

(3) The user can control where it looks for files using
environment variables in dviwindo.ini as explained in the attached.


(4) Additional style files etc. may very well be on the CD
in the \ctan\latex folder (I don't know).

At 11:11 AM 3/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Hi B,

Do you remember that we replaced BibTeX last Fall.  I think it was
late September/October.

I remember that when I installed it the name of the executable
changed and you said that it might be because it became corrupted
during transport.  Even after you sent me a few new executables I
always had that problem.  In the end I just gave up, the only
change I made sure of, was changing the attribute of the

I also recently shipped new TeX Systems to the Group who helps me
with Techsupport and each one of them has a problem.  Christina
still has her older version 2.0 of Y&Y TeX and she has a problem,
so does Barbara and Mimi, who have new Systems.

The new techsupport group has now received a few complaints about

Can you help us.  Can you email me a executable, please.I do not
know if you want to write to them directly and find out what the
problem is.  Here are their email addresses.

Barbara Beeton bnb at ams.org
Christina Thiele cthiele at ccs.carleton.ca
Mimi Burbank mimi at csit.fsu.edu
Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk

I have not shipped Robin's TeX System yet, he has an older version
(the first TeX System, after the boot sector virus, which was

Thanks, B.


Berthold K.P. Horn mailto:bkph at ai.mit.edu
http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/bkph (BK)


attached file:  bibtex.txt


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