more bibtex baby-steps ...

Christina Thiele cthiele at
Wed Mar 12 10:59:50 CET 2003

In the .ini file, I changed this line in the [Applications] section:

   BiBTeX|F4=C:\YANDY\UTIL\bibtex.exe @.tex

to read:

   BiBTeX|F4=C:\YANDY\UTIL\bibtex.exe @.aux

As well, I re-instated this line in the [Environment] section:


as well as having set two variables (for BIBINPUT and BSTINPUT) via
the control panel, as per instructions in the bibtex.txt file I'd
found in doc-misc.

Well, the error message has now changed ;-)

Now when I press F4 to invoke BibTeX, the filename that shows in the
window of the dialog box is the .aux version. And its new message is:

   Undefined control sequence.
   l.2 \bibstyle{plain}

There _is_ a plain.bst file in c:\yandy\texinput\bstinput directory.

Not sure where all of the above leaves me but at least it's a change.

However, Stanislas sent a message this morning asking if there was a
solution yet as he has to process this file very soon ...

Comments/suggestions would be really nice right about now ;-))


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