The failure of DVIWindo to properly display ...

Christina Thiele cthiele at
Mon Mar 10 13:52:51 CET 2003

I think we need to come up with some kind of standard approach to such

That is, what files should we ask authors to provide to adequately
demonstrate the problem. This isn't strictly TeX anymore, it's the
interaction of the window display with the tex code. The usual answer
is to mutter something about an encoding mismatch.

Well, we keep getting the same type of question. So what the heck is
the standard thing to do in response? ;-(


I keep asking for the .ini file but as this extension is apparently
the favourite mechanism for introducing viruses, Carleton's
handy-dandy mailer deletes it. So I have to now start reminding myself
to stop asking for it! But how to get it otherwise? Ftp drop-off may
work, but I'd have to ask Mike.

But that's a side issue, I guess.

It's possible that we just need to carefully read the manuals and look
for all mentions of screen-display problems. If we could just devise a
check-list for users, then the onus would fall right back onto them to
ensure they've got everything set up properly.

Well, I don't think this is a helpful message in that it doesn't
actually solve the problem ... but I just feel it's probably the only
way we're/anyone's going to be able to deal with the tricks that are
involved in getting (Y&Y)TeX to display properly.


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