\bibstyle? Whose command is this?

Mimi Burbank mimi at csit.fsu.edu
Wed Jun 25 16:43:42 CEST 2003

On Jun25 04:18PM, Christina Thiele wrote:
> Well, I'm now a petitioner for assistance ;-)

i obviously don't know "squat" but can report that my
  version of bibtex works in winedt and in dviwindo...
 yata yata yata    <g>

> I'm still having trouble getting BibTex to run from DVIWindo's TeX
> menu. I can run it just fine if I work from the DOS command prompt,
> but damn'd if it'll work the easy way, via my F4 key ;-(

> That is, BibTeX is reporting back to me. And all proceeds nicely from
> there.
> HOWEVER, when I use F4 via the TeX menu in DVIWindo, the log window
> gives me a different story:

what is this F4 -  that is "notepad" on my system....   ???? !!!!
you have defined it as something....  somewhere... because I
already have a bibtex item...   I just don't have a "latex" item  ;-(

> So my first question is: what package is defining \bibstyle? I can't
> find in the index to either the Companion or the Kopka/Daly book.

that is what appears in the .aux file ....

> And second: this seems to be saying that TeX is now reading the file!
> Well, how come?!
> My .ini file has these lines in it:
> a. For the TeX menu:
       ^   ????   capitalization???  possible?

> can't really be the distribution ... it's gotta be me ;-(

since I do it all the time -  could it possibly be the
  "mis"  capitalization ???


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