Win2000/XP woes of the world -- or not? [was `Re: dvipsone support...]

Christina Thiele cthiele at
Thu Jun 5 13:36:59 CEST 2003

Sue Rodd writes:
> ...
> I have a line in my dviwindo.ini file that reads:
> TEXEDIT=C:\yandy\winedt\winedt.exe [Open('%s');SelLine(%d,8)]
> As I understand it, that is what makes winedt come up as the tex editor in
> dviwindo>tex>winedt
>  (also called by pressing F11).

Yes. In response to a query about how to get WordPerfect to come up as
default editor (hey, he asked!), I did a test here on my machine, so I
now can access either emacs or WP (and also still keep a reference to
PFE around). My lines are simpler than yours:

WordPerfect|F10=C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\programs\wpwin9.exe @.tex

PFE Editor|F11=C:\yandy\pfe\pfe32.exe @.tex

Emacs|F12=C:\Program Files\emacs-20.4\bin\runemacs.exe @.tex

The FAQ `System Topics' has similar stuff, in response to queries
about linking the editor called `vi', as well as how to link editors
so that one hops immediately to the problem line in the source file
when processing the file. These are questions 14, 15, and 16.

I'm thinking that it might be handy, at some point, to consolidate the
FAQs on this subject, and include the sample lines for various other
programs people might like to use. It's of course `all in the
documentation' but unless you have a taste for this stuff, it's just
sooooo much easier if you have a simple Q/A where you just copy the
exact code from one window into another.

> I used to use pfe editor, but now I'm sold on winedt -- the spell checker
> alone is worth gold!  If I remember right, there are instructions somewhere
> in the manual for linking to whatever editor you choose -- this is what I
> got as default by buying winedt at the same time as the upgrade to 2.2.  I
> did initially link it to pfe (on the basis that one new thing at a time is
> enough...) but when I reinstalled I just went with the flow, and now I'm
> glad I did. I'm no techie, so if I can do it, I reckon it's pretty
> idiot-proof.

I chose not to get winedt when I got my v.2.2 -- I'd had pfe with 2.1
and didn't like it -- I pretty much don't like anything other than
emacs. And even here, my dream is to have an emacs-for-NT (or,
eventually, probably emacs-for-XP) that's `just like my emacs on the
unixbox'. Pull-down menus, control sequences that do the TeXing,
BibTeXing, and so on, and a split screen with source above, log below
(I just much prefer seeing the .log file as it's being written, rather
than waiting and waiting for it to show up -- I did like the DOS
window in v.2.1, but ... well ... you know what I've written recently
about me and change ;-( ).

Anyways, back to learning stuff ... What I'm beginning to realise is
that many (?most) programs have this .ini file thing, and that that's
where one can go and actually customise things. So ideally, one's
WINEDT documentation should have a TOC or index entry for `.ini' which
would then lead to text which explains what wonderful things can be
done inside the .ini file ... much as one finds in the Y&YTeX
documentation ... albeit under ToC entries for `DVIWINDO' rather than
`.ini' ;-)

> Upgrading to Windows 2K (from 95) has been a major hassle -- largely because
> the hyperref package wasn't the newest, it seems, and the instructions for
> adding fonts after installation are not crystal clear (hint! hint!). But I
> hope I'm seeing daylight at last, and perhaps those who come later will have
> less hassle... Some of the problems come from the general assumption that

Did you by chance document what you did for installing fonts after the
fact? Would you be willing to work on a crib-sheet that others could
then test and refine?

> anyone using LaTeX finds the guts of their machine interesting -- myself, I
> just want to press the buttons and see it run -- like my car or my
> sewing-machine!

I had to laugh -- my two favourite devices and no, I really don't want
to look at the internals ;-)) Good choices, indeed, Sue!

> Good luck!
> Sue


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