[XeTeX] Typesetting arabic and european mix encoded in utf8

Jens Bakker jbakker at jbakker.de
Tue Jun 11 16:46:43 CEST 2024

Hello Hartmut Niemann,

may be that the XeLaTex-package polyglossia could serve your purposes better much better. You could use many languages in one document, also Arabic and other RTL text.

Best wishes and best regards,
Jens Bakker

> Am 11.06.2024 um 12:06 schrieb Niemann, Hartmut via XeTeX <xetex at tug.org>:
> Hello!
> In my current project I use XeLaTeX to typeset PDF files from texts in different languages held in a separate database.
> (This is done with a generator that is language-unaware, generating lines like
> \long\def\msgtext{عطل في التهيئة البنيوماتية GS}
> Into a .inc file and a manually written, language dependent, frame document that defines \msgtext{}
> I typeset a (mostly) Arabic document using XeLaTeX and \usepackage{arabxetex}[utf]
> Arabxetex supports encoding Arabic in ASCII, and this interferes with the fact, that our texts have latin characters, like English abbreviations, location IDs and such.
> The documented solution would be enclosing these latin characters which are to be typeset verbally into \text{LR}, which is rather hard if the text comes from a database.
> Does anybody how to switch off arabxetex’s ASCII-to-arabic conversion completely?
> Or is there a package that supports Arabic (with Arabic typographic conventions) but made for pure Unicode sources?
> With best regards
> Hartmut Niemann

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