[XeTeX] Follow-up to previous mail about hyphenation

Jonathan Kew jfkthame at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 12:24:28 CET 2021

The attached sample (to be run with "xetex -ini -etex") seems to show 
that it's possible to get this working, at least with the (old-ish) 
xetex version I have on hand.

It does appear to only want to use the first available hyphenation 
position in the Arabic "words"; offhand I'm not sure why this is. Could 
well be some kind of bug.

On 25/03/2021 11:12, Yannis Haralambous wrote:
> Maybe the fact that it is the first word and hence is not preceded by a 
> glue?
>> Le 25 mars 2021 à 12:10, Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk 
>> <mailto:P.Taylor at Hellenic-Institute.Uk>> a écrit :
>> Jonathan Kew wrote:
>>> The output you're getting shows that the hyphenation is in fact 
>>> happening as expected. (To get a hyphen rather than a box, you need 
>>> to set the font's \hyphenchar appropriately.)
>> So what am I missing in my code, Jonathan ?  I have added a 
>> \hyphenchar, removed the pointless (and dysfunctional) \showhyphens), 
>> but still get no hyphenation —
>> % !TeX Program=Ini-XeTeX
>> \catcode `\ = 10
>> \catcode `\         = 10
>> \catcode `\{ = 1
>> \catcode `\} = 2
>> \catcode `\^ = 7
>> \tracingonline = 1
>> \tracinglostchars = 2
>> \font \tenrm = "Amiri"
>> \tenrm
>> \hyphenchar \font = `\‐
>> \lccode "200D = "200D
>> \catcode "200D = 11
>> \patterns {^^^^200d1^^^^200d}
>> \hsize = 0 pt
>> bla^^^^200d^^^^200dbla
>> \end
>> ->
>>> This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999993 (TeX Live 
>>> 2021/W32TeX) (INITEX)
>>> restricted \write18 enabled.
>>> entering extended mode
>>> (./untitled-4.tex
>>> Overfull \hbox (23.1pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 21--22
>>> []\tenrm bla‍‍bla
>>> \hbox(11.24+6.33998)x0.0 []
>>> [0] )
>>> Output written on untitled-4.pdf (1 page).
>>> SyncTeX written on untitled-4.synctex.gz.
>>> Transcript written on untitled-4.log.
>> -- 
>> /** Phil./
> IMT Atlantique <http://www.imt-atlantique.fr>	
> Professor
> Computer Science Department
> Site web IMT Atlantique 
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> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/yannis-haralambous-5529073?trk=hp-identity-name>
> Technopôle Brest-Iroise CS 83818
> 29238 Brest Cedex 3, France
> Une école del'IMT <http://www.imt.fr>
> /Ceux qui négligent de relire s'obligent à lire partout la même 
> histoire./     (Roland Barthes)

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