XeLaTeX to Word/OpenOffice - the state of the art?

Janusz S. Bień jsbien at mimuw.edu.pl
Mon Mar 11 12:46:09 CET 2019


I was asked to convert to Word a rather long paper submitted as the
XeLateX PDF output (if accepted, the Word document will be converted to
PDF by the editors...; I understand they work on the assumption that the
reviewers don't know how to comment a PDF file).

I had to do it already from time to time. I used different methods which
were more or less cumbersome. Of course for the conversion I prepare a
slightly different text (e.g. no hyphenation).

Before embarking on such a job again I would like to make sure there are
no new tools that I'm not aware of.

Best regards


Janusz S. Bien
emeryt (emeritus)

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