[XeTeX] FakeBold vs TikZ

Stefan Solbrig stefan.solbrig at ur.de
Mon Jun 16 23:29:35 CEST 2014


>> Just compiled the document under TeX Live 2013 (all updates till  
>> the freeze) and still no dot. Besides the Apple PDF framework  
>> (using TeXShop and Preview) I also viewed in Adobe Reader and no do  
>> in any case shows up.
>> Good Luck,
> Then it’s quite possible that the issue is Linux specific and it  
> has not
> been fixed in TL14. Bad luck. :-(
> I’m attaching a PDF generated on TL13 on Ubuntu.  Can you see the  
> dot in
> the Mac PDF viewer?

I can confirm that's it's not a Linux specific issue. I tried this on  
a Mac. However, my system is quite old (TeXlive 2010) so the issue  
might be fixed by now.   But on my system, I see the spurious dot as  
well. The spurious dot is in fact a dot character U+002e. You can see  
this either with pdf2text or watch the dot change its shape when you  
use a different font.  I used colors to get some more info. The funny  
thing is, that the dot seems to be typeset outside of the TiKZ  
environment. (See the code & the attached pdf.)




%\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}
\setmainfont{Linux Biolinum O}


  \draw[draw=blue] (-1,-1) rectangle (3,3);
  \draw[draw=black] (0,0) circle (2pt);

  % try commenting out the following line:
  \node at (1,2) {\fb\color{yellow} test1};
  % try commenting out the following line:
  \node at (1,1)  {\color{green}test2};

\sbox{\testbox}{\fb test3}

  \draw (-1,-1) rectangle (3,3);
  \draw (0,0) circle (.2);

  % try commenting out the following line:
  \node at (1,2) {\usebox{\testbox}};
  % try commenting out the following line:
  \node at (1,1)  {test2};


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