[XeTeX] M'aidez, SVP : ** WARNING ** Version of PDF file (1.6) is newer than version limit specification.

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Nov 4 09:16:52 CET 2013

Paul Isambert wrote:

> Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk> a écrit:
>> "M'aidez" v. "Aidez-moi" v. "Mayday" :  the OED has this to say --
>>> Etymology:  < French m'aidez or m'aider ‘help me!’ (the latter being
>>> either the imperative infinitive or short for venez m'aider ‘come and
>>> help me!’; < me , first person direct object pronoun + aider : see
>>> aid v.).
>> as a result of which many Britons (myself included, obviously) have
>> come to believe that "m'aidez" is correct in modern French (the OED,
>> on which reliance can usually be placed, does not suggest otherwise).
> The OED is right: both “m’aidez” (with the pronoun before the verb)
> and “m’aider” (with an infinitive) were allowed in Old French. 

No no !  The OED says "< French m'aidez or m'aider ‘help me!’".
"French", in OED-speak, is Modern French; "OF" is how it denotes
Old French.

** Phil.

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