[XeTeX] Decorative border around page

Fr. Michael Gilmary FrMichaelGilmary at MaroniteMonks.org
Tue Feb 9 19:20:30 CET 2010

Kamal Abdali wrote:

> When I had called for help, I had zero experience with xetex, font calls,
> assembling borders with webomints glyphs, etc. Your two examples, each
> calling the webomints fonts in two ways, were very instructive. Thank you!

You're welcome! You're an experienced newbie now.

> Now about the new version you gave:
>> %!TEX encoding =  UTF-8 Unicode
>> %!TEX TS-program =  xelatex
>> \documentclass[12pt,oneside]{memoir}
>> \usepackage{xltxtra}
>> \usepackage{graphicx}
>> \usepackage{polyglossia}
>> \setdefaultlanguage[variant=us]{english}
>> \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Numbers={Proportional,OldStyle}]{Minion
>> Pro}
>> \newfontfamily\webomints{WebOMints GD}
>> \newcommand{\wb}[1]{\webomints\fontsize{12bp}{12bp}\selectfont #1}
> (The above command can be commented out, as the one before suffices.)

Certainly, since it doesn't get used!

>> \usepackage{varwidth,umrand}
>> \frenchspacing
>> \raggedbottom
>> \setstocksize{5in}{3.5in}
>> \settrimmedsize{\stockheight}{\stockwidth}{*}
>> \settypeblocksize{4.2in}{3in}{*}
>> \setlrmargins{0.52in}{*}{1}
> (This value generates a class memoir warning about \foremargin being
> negative. Changing 0.52 to 0.5 as it was in the old vine.tex, the warning
> goes away.)

Curious ... I don't get the error with either 0.52in or 0.5in.


>> \RandBox{\usebox{\ornamentBox}} font {\webomints} [0.0em]
>>       (a) ([f\\g]f) (b)
>> ([\hspace{.03ex}\rotatebox{-180}{j}\\\rotatebox{-180}{k}])
>> ([\rotatebox{-180}{i}\\\hspace{.03ex}\rotatebox{-180}{l}])             (a)
>> ([f\\g]f) (b)
>> \end{document}
> This generates warnings from varwidth, and then:
> Runaway argument?
> 0.0em]
> ! Paragraph ended before \RandBox was complete.
> <to be read again>
>                    \par
> l.69
> ?

That's because there's a blank line after [0.0em] instead of a simple 
line break ... you can avoid this by using the percent sign % so the 
engine will ignore the linebreak, then it will work.

For example:

\RandBox{\usebox{\ornamentBox}} font {\webomints} [0.0em]%

      (a) ([f\\g]f) (b)         
(a) ([f\\g]f) (b)

Or, just delete the empty line, which I think is what was included in my 
last email.

I'm glad it works for you. It's rather a pain to set it up, but it does 
make for a lovely addition to a card or some types of documents.


United in adoration of Jesus, 

fr. michael gilmary, mma

Most Holy Trinity Monastery
67 Dugway Road
Petersham, MA 01366-9725

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